Danas Berznitsky
Danas is a director, animator and graphic artist with living and working all around the globe. In the recent decade he has been working as an animator on world known European feature films, among which Oscar nominated “Song of The Sea”, “Breadwinner” and “Wolfwalkers”. He has also co-directed several children TV Series and shorts.
He graduated from Vilnius Art Academy with a Master’s degree in Graphics and Fine Arts and received a prize for the best graduation work for his animated e-book “The Missing Book”.
He is also collaborating with musicians and visual artists on art projects.
Daniel Sinaisky
Autodidact composer, performer and multimedia artist.
Daniel’s music was featured in films, theatre plays and art installations.
Inventor of his own style Meta Folk
Combining love and passion to exotica and cinematic music from the past, retro futuristic electronica, classical middle eastern music and african guitar music
Selected works music for films :
Michael Pfeifenberger (Austria)
Chaltura – Leila & Lena (ISR/A, 85 min, Desert-Roadmovie)
Elses Song – Yerushalaim Shel Else (ISR/A 20 min, dance-movie)
Bigna Tomschin (Switzerland) - A Donkey Called Geronimo (DOK Leipzig nominated for Award of the Goethe-Instituts as well as ver.di-Award)
Тheatre :
Wojtek Klemm (Germany) – Heaven on Tristan
Mystorin Theatre Group (Jerusalem) – Tzar Tzura
DAVAI Theatre Group (Tel-Aviv) – Under construction
Script: Danas Berznitsky & Daniel Sinaisky
Director: Danas Berznitsky
Music: Daniel Sinaisky
Actor: Fyodor Makarov
Producers: Danas Bereznickas, KinoMind Films
Sets design: Marija Benetyte
Other design: Vilmas Narecionis
Additional animation & storyboards: Milda Kargaudaite
The film was pitched at CEE Animation Forum 2022
The film was pitched at Baltic Pitching Forum 2020